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自1902年以來,3M 致力於改善生活,其產品與服務正緊密地交織於全球經濟中,並深度融入人們的生活。3M 航太與飛機維修事業部是全球航太用黏合劑、塗料與密封材料的龍頭供應商。每種黏合劑與材料均經過嚴格的測試與特性分析,為機身結構提供廣泛高性能的解決方案。
3M began as an abrasives manufacturer. For more than a century, we have refined our original technologies and complemented them with breakthrough inventions developed by other 3M businesses. Today, our abrasives rely on traditional strengths such as resin formulation, adhesives, and coating, as well as the most modern technologies, from microreplicated ceramics, nonwoven materials and precision-shaped grains. The result is a comprehensive range of abrasives that cut, grind, shape, finish, and polish with ease and precision.
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