Sterling Lacquer Manufacturing Company 於 1907 年首次開始製造和銷售商業和工業塗料,至今仍屬於同一家族所有。
我們完全致力於研究和開發環保且用戶友好的塗料,以滿足客戶及市場未來的需求。當中歷經多年開發、測試和精細製造系統的 Sterling 聚氨酯面漆是最先進的化學塗料,適用於船舶、航空和工業應用,是當今市場上最先進的塗層系統之一。
Sterling Lacquer Manufacturing Company first began manufacturing and marketing commercial and industrial coatings in 1907 and is still owned by the same family.
Our history is one of total dedication to research and development of environmentally friendly and user-friendly coatings that will meet the demands of the future.
STERLING Polyurethane Finishes are state-of-the-art chemical coatings for marine, aviation, and industrial applications. They are the product of years of development, testing, and refined manufacturing systems that have resulted in one of the most advanced coating systems on the market today.