作為航空業最初的供應商之一, Olympic Aviation 以“一站式服務”聞名於商業飛機、軍方及航太界。小至原料,大到飛機整體都可以從本公司四個部門:原件、原料、化學藥劑、政府出售,找到令您滿意的結果。
As a premier supplier of products and services to the international commercial, military, and strategic aerospace markets for over 45 years, we have earned the reputation of a "one-stop shop" among our customers.
From raw materials to aircraft themselves, you can count on the staff in our four specialty departments—Parts, Raw Materials, Chemicals, and Government Sales—to understand and fulfill your specific requirements.
We pride ourselves in our care and expertise in handling merchandise, from quality control receiving inspection to packaging for air and ocean shipments. Whether shipping chemicals or jet engines, our warehouse personnel are trained to deal with sensitive and high-ticket items. AOG, temperature-controlled, and hazardous materials shipments are part of our daily routine.