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PPG 由 PRC  DeSoto  和 PPG 航空玻璃部門組合而成,  致力於航空塗料、密封膠、 飛機擋風玻璃的研製、開發及生產。 在全球拥有五個製造基地及十六個 ASC(應用支援中心),被世界主要飛機製造商認定為主要供貨商。​



The PPG Aerospace portfolio is comprised of a unique group of products and services. Through a series of strategic acquisitions, PPG has assembled a team of industry leaders that builds on its own long history as a transparencies aviation leader, with PRC-DeSoto International for sealants, coatings, and packaging and application systems; Sierracin/Sylmar Corp. for advanced composite transparencies; and Eldorado Chemicals for paint removal and cleaning. Through this exceptional team, PPG is able to deliver what is key to the aviation industry: innovation.


(Aero-Spec Corporation)

© 2018 by Sequence Everlasting Co., Ltd.

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